April 08, 2009

Rib Cake

The Rib cake is a grooms cake. I'm sorry I don't have a better picture but this was made with my phone. I was making sure I had everything for the party ready & of course, I forgot my camera so I had to make due. I will work on making another one so I can get a better picture. Memorial Day is coming up & Ribs are popular that day so maybe then, if not sooner. Well, either way, Krista (my 15 year old) made this one & I think she did an amazing job!!

Lady Bugs

How cute are they??? The Ladybug Cake & Cupcakes were for a baby shower. A big Ladybug cake & a dozen little Ladybug cupcakes. I had a blast making these & my kids loved them too. I can't wait for my next order. heheee